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Good Morning Inspirational Messages

It’ll pass if only you believe and hold tight. Remain strong so you can witness more good mornings. Have a nice day ahead of you.

Another dream has come to pass today. Yes, the dream to see another day. So get out of bed and start fulfilling those dreams of yours. Good morning.

I pray that as you open your eyes to see the light of today, may the good of today rest upon your soul, spirit and body. Amen.

Be strong and courageous. Be cheerful, someone is looking up to you out there and thinking “if she can, I can”. Cheers to a new day!

Welcome to a brand new day, my dear. May God open unto you doors of blessings. Amen.

The number of our years on earth are 70 or 80. Please, God, don’t take my heartthrob away from me before then. Let him live very long. Amen.

May the very God of peace be with you my love and keep you from every evil in your day’s activities. Enjoy your day!

You’re a man in all ramifications. Thank you for being here to love, counsel, protect and lead. I pray God grants you the wisdom to do more

Love of my life, I pray that by God’s grace you’ll blossom like flowers planted by the riverside and succeed in whatever you do today and forever. Amen.
Good Morning Inspirational Messages Images

May God’s love illuminate your life today. So, people will not be able to behold the wonder of your radiance. Good morning, Dear!

O Lord, bless our relationship and draw my girlfriend closer to you today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me a king with a heart of gold. Please keep him from bad influences and counsellors. Amen.

Sweetheart, thank you for everything that you are, for being prudent and industrious. I pray God gives you His wisdom to do more exploits. Amen.

Dear Lord, help my girlfriend never lose sight of the fact that she needs you in all areas of her life. Including our relationship. Amen.

May today bring my queen blessings unlimited, grace indefinable, favour immeasurable and power to scale through her difficult times. Amen.

To a wonderful person, I desire that God’s grace be with you in all your endeavours from dust to dawn.

The valley of the shadow of death may be deep. I may not be there but the Almighty God will protect and uplift you.

As much as I’d love to, dear, I cannot go before you to make the crooked places straight. But I know the Almighty can and he will. Amen.
Good Morning Inspirational Wishes Images

Dear sweetheart, you’ll go out with joy today and be led by peace. Mountains will sing your praise and trees shall applaud you by God’s grace. Yours lovingly, me.

Heavenly Father, you’ve given me a woman of good understanding and beautiful countenance. Please, guide her, so the world will not take advantage of her kind-heartedness. Amen.

Thank you, Father, for bringing a royal gem into my life. You know how precious royal gems are O Lord. Please protect her from any harm everywhere she goes.

May God supply all your needs in abundance today, and provide you with everything you need to eat well and feel good. Good morning, my Love.

Good morning to you who has seen today, who has woken from the land of slumber. Your eyes will not witness evil today and your ears will not hear bad news. Enjoy, my Love.

Yesterday may not have been what you expected. My prayer for you today is that your expectations shall be exceeded. Just believe. Enjoy an amazing day, Love.

Heavenly blessings will descend upon your life today as you wake. God’s grace will see you through the stress of today. Amen.

Dear God, thank you for keeping my queen safe. Please keep her safe today as always so I’ll not lose her to the cold hands of death. Amen.

Hello dear, God is able to do exceedingly above all that you ask or think of. Hesitate no more and ask Him today. Have a God-filled day of great possibilities.

You’re the best thing that has happened to me so far. I pray the God of heaven will grant you the best things today and uplift you among your equals. Amen.
Good Morning Thoughts Images

Today is for you. Arise and shine and bask in God’s glory. Bask in the strength of his saving arms and his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Good morning to you.

Like the sun will always shine in the day, and the moon and stars in the night. I pray you’ll continue to shine and sparkle forever. Amen.

Righteous Father, please help my baby to always make the right decisions. So she’ll not have to suffer terrible consequences for not doing so.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. May the Almighty continue to put his fear in your heart to direct you on the right path. Amen.

Dear Lord, you know I can’t afford to lose this man. Please protect him from every premature or untimely death so we can spend many years together being for each other.

Sweetheart, I pray God keeps you from strange women, always seeking for relationships to destroy. Always remember that I love you.

My beloved girlfriend in whom I am well pleased! You’re my source of joy and strength and I pray the Lord makes you the joy of many generations. Amen.

God you see and know how diligent my man is in his work. Please, make him sit with kings and authorities and not ordinary men. Uplift him beyond his thinking. Amen.

May the good Lord pave way for you my love where there’s no way, lift obstacles from your way, see you through your journey of success and make every evil plan concerning you come to naught. I love you.
Good Morning Motivational Images
In an age where submission is difficult to come by, you’ve been submissive to me disregarding the odds. I love you and I pray you’ll never leave my side by God’s grace.

I pray for my baby whose worth is far above jewels and rubies, may the angels of God keep you from every calamity including dashing your foot against a stone. Amen.

My joy and my pride, I pray God will enlarge your coast. I pray he gives you the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places and the wisdom to manage them. You’re cherished.

All things will work together for your good today to favour you, to protect you, to guide you, and to help you in achieving your goals by God’s grace. Have a beautiful morning; my Beautiful one!

O, Lord! You’ve given me a virtuous lady and I love her for it. Please protect her virtuousness from being polluted by the world for me. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I know we all have a personal share of worries but please take away my baby’s worries so he has nothing to worry about except loving me.

Cool is the breeze this morning. It says ‘the dawn is real’. The sun has risen again and you can rest assured your nightmare has melted away into the air. Have a blessed morning!

Dear Lord, you’ve made my boyfriend [name] the head of this relationship. Please govern his heart and teach him to govern this relationship the right way.

You’ve been given the power to tread upon the lion and adder today and every day of your life. So take up those difficult tasks you’ve been avoiding all this while. You can do it. Good morning!

May God keep you under his shadow today. May he go before you to make every crooked place straight, to break every gate of brass into pieces and cut every bar of iron. Amen. Good morning!
Good Morning Inspirational Quotes Images

Beloved, don’t be scared to soar high or climb the stairs of success today and every day because the God of heaven has planned to make you for signs and wonders. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray for my king today, he shall prosper. Grant him all the riches in your kingdom. Lift him high above his equals. Amen
Sweetheart, you have been a source of blessing to me through the years. You’ve taught me how to love as Christ loves. I pray you’ll never lack blessings and love all the days of your life.
God, please bless the hard work of my heartthrob. So that when his mates are screaming recession, he’ll be screaming abundance. When they say there’s a casting down, he’ll say there’s a lifting up. Amen.
You’ll have no lack, no loss, and no limitations today. Embrace the spirit of freedom! Explore your world! Do the things that appeal to you! You have only one life to live and you’ve got to start living it now. Good morning.
My man, a man indeed! I sincerely pray that nothing separates us. May God grant you all the strength and resources you need to be the king that you are. Amen. Thank you for all that you do! You’re highly appreciated.
Wake up to the beauty of this day. Forget your sorrows for a while. Tell yourself it’ll be fine because it really will. Remember that you’re loved by God, so relax and follow his lead. Do have a beautiful day, my Sweetest
Have faith in God! That thing that seems impossible is only a matter of words from him. That thing you think is going to end your life cannot do so if only you have faith. Just a little faith, today can be brighter than yesterday. Good morning.
Lines will fall in places for you today if only you’ll believe. Be confident, determined, and focused. Achieving your dreams is only one step away from forming a habit of confidence, determination, and focus. Good morning.
Like Daniel was found more excellent than his equals, I pray you’ll stand out in this generation for good. God will make you for signs and wonders and a visionary leader. Amen.
No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. No evil counsel formed against you shall stand. No gathering against you, aiming to pull you down shall be successful. Everything capable of pulling you down, God will destroy. Amen. I love you.
My better half, heartbeat, the king of my heart. Words cannot describe how sweet you are. Like honey is never bitter, I pray sweetness will not leave you. God will uproot every bitterness from your life and make me a source of joy and sweetness to you too.