Looking to send Prayer For Friends, Short & Long blessings for Best Friends through a heartfelt prayer? Check out our website for short and long blessings that will bring joy and positivity to your friend’s life. With easy-to-understand wording, our prayers will convey your love and good wishes most genuinely. Share the gift of friendship with a beautiful blessing today!
Prayer For Friends

Oh Lord I am grateful for everything you did
For all the things you gave
Bless my friend too
As she is in lot of pain
She needs you and your caring way
Lord bless my friend!
It’s my true prayer for today!

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is dealing with a health issue.
Please grant them healing, strength,
and peace as they undergo treatment and recovery.
Surround them with love and support,
and help them to know that they are not alone.

Almighty your blessings give a new cheer
And today I ask for my friend
May her hope Be as it is
May she get what she needs
Keep that support in all the strive,
Bless her through and in the life
Almighty protect her!

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is seeking to make a positive difference in
the world. Please grant them the courage, resources,
and opportunities they need to pursue their passion
for justice and compassion. Help them to be a light
in the darkness and a force for good in the world.

I say a prayer for you that
God may keep his prayer
To protect you from the wrong
To keep you heady and strong
To give you what you want in life
To get you off from strive
I have asked the Lord to bless you
Almighty for my friend just do!
Keep her blessed!

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is going through a difficult time.
Please provide comfort, strength, and peace
to them as they navigate through this
challenging season. Help them to know
that they are not alone and that you are
with them always.

For a friend
Oh Lord I ask for good favor
For my pretty friend in need
She has been suffering a way too much
Please give her your loving touch
And freed her pain away
Your help will do it for her!

Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is struggling with anxiety or fear.
Please grant them peace and calmness in
their mind, and help them to trust in your
presence and protection.
Give them the strength and courage to face
their fears and to know that
you are with them always.

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is struggling with loneliness or isolation.
Please grant them opportunities to connect with
others, to feel seen and heard, and to know
that they are loved and valued.
Help them to find community and belonging.

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is facing a big decision or life change.
Please give them clarity, guidance, and peace
as they discern the right path forward.
Help them to trust in your plan for their life
and to have faith in the journey ahead.
Powerful Prayers for a Friend

A silent prayer for a friend I love the most
Almighty Lord protect her from everything
She is special to me
And she is so very kind
I love her a lot and want her to smile
Be there in all her needs of life
Almighty protect her to might!

Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is struggling with addiction.
Please give them the strength and courage
to overcome their addiction, and surround
them with supportive friends and family
members who can offer love and

Oh lord,
My prayer to you is to keep my friend in
a happy state
Bless my friend and protect my friend
Of all her family and friends
May she never cry in vain
May she never sees the pain
Keep her smiling through the way
Keep her happy and have her say!
Bless my friend to thee!

Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is struggling with forgiveness.
Please grant them the ability to let go of
resentment and bitterness, and to extend
grace and compassion to those who have
hurt them. Help them to experience the
freedom and peace that comes from forgiveness.

I never asked you anything oh Almighty
But, today I want to pray for my friend,
She needs you and your love so much
She needs your healing touch,
There is pain in the heart,
She is struggling with life
Make everything alright!
so that she feels your love and serenity for life!
Bless my friend oh Lord!
She needs you in life!

Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is seeking to grow in their relationships
with others. Please grant them the ability to
listen with empathy, to speak with kindness,
and to extend grace and forgiveness.
Help them to be a source of encouragement
and support to those around them.

This is my only prayer to you oh Lord
Many times I have wished to sought
A special prayer for my friend in stress
Please heal her of all the distress
She has been suffering a lot in life
And in spite of all the strive, she is
Putting a brave front on her part
Lord please bless her and make her smile
Please fulfill my wish a while
I thank you for always being there in life
Thank you Lord!

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is dealing with a difficult past or trauma.
Please grant them healing, strength,
and peace as they work through the pain and
the memories. Help them to know that they are
not defined by their past and that there is
hope for a brighter future.

Oh Lord I ask you today that my friend stays
Happy in every way of life
May she gets what she truly deserves
And may she never ever have to strive
She is so pure by heart
So let her take a perfect start in life
She is innocent so do her good
And I ask she gets everything touch wood
Just be with her in all the pain oh Lord
Coz she is so very kind
Bless her thy Lord in life!

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is seeking to deepen their faith and
relationship with you. Please grant them wisdom,
discernment, and strength as they grow in their
spiritual journey. May they feel your presence
and love in their life each day.
A Short Prayer for Friends

May Lord help you with everything you need
May you get what you want
It all counts on your deed
You are a beautiful person I know
You don’t have to prove or show
I will ask the Lord to bless you a little more!

Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is seeking to find their purpose and
calling in life. Please grant them clarity
and guidance as they explore their passions
and talents, and help them to use their gifts to
make a positive difference in the world.

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is struggling with their mental health.
Please give them the strength and courage to
seek the help they need, and surround them
with supportive friends and family members
who can offer encouragement and love.

God is your strength in the hour of distress,
God is your spirit when you are tensed,
He lets go of the fear in you,
So that you get to experience everything new,
Because God is within you!

Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is facing financial difficulties.
Please provide for their needs and grant
them the wisdom and guidance they need to
navigate through this challenging season.
Help them to know that you are with them
always and that you will never leave them
nor forsake them.

May God bless you with things to see
With smiles on your face
With a pretty grace
I ask Thy Lord to give you courage
To speak your mind
To be a different kind
Almighty bless my friend to thee!

Dear God, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is struggling with a difficult family situation.
Please grant them wisdom and patience as they
navigate through the challenges, and help them
to show love and kindness even in the midst of conflict.

There is a reason for everything in your life,
And God has chosen that for you,
You may not have a hint or clue,
But, you will have that sunshine,
So, stay happy and don’t whine,
Because God has something for you on his mind!

Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is struggling with grief or loss.
Please grant them comfort, healing,
and peace as they navigate through
this difficult time. Surround them with love
and support, and help them to know that
you are with them in their sorrow.
Healing Prayers To Say for a Friend
There is no special occasion my Lord
Just a small prayer for my friend
She is true of all in life
And there is nothing to pretend
She is the ray of hope in life
Forever happy to strive
Keep your loving hand on her
So that she never endures any pain
Oh Lord bless her time and again
So that she remains happy in time!
Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is dealing with a difficult relationship
or friendship. Please grant them the wisdom
and patience to navigate through the
challenges, and give them the courage to
set healthy boundaries and prioritize their
own well-being.
The many tears that you shed in life,
The many which ways of strive,
God is there and will be with you,
So, don’t feel so lost and blue,
Because he is watching you over,
He is always there for you,
That is the power of Almighty Lord!
Dear God, I pray for my dear friend [friend’s name].
Grant them peace, joy, and happiness, and surround
them with your love and protection. Help them to
overcome any challenges they may be facing, and
guide them on their journey towards
their dreams and goals.
A heartfelt request to you oh Lord
Please bless my friend and be kind
Of all the things my friend want
Of all the things unwind
Bless my friend so that
There is a smile all day
Have your say oh Lord
It’s my only pray!
Lord, I pray for my friend [friend’s name]
who is seeking a new job or career path.
Please guide and direct them towards the right
opportunities, and give them the wisdom and
confidence they need to pursue their
passions and talents.
Thy Lord bless my friend as her heart is clean
Bless her coz she distressed in life
Bless her in the light of the day
Bless her when there is dark per say
Bless her and be kind to her oh Almighty
Just want to see her happy and content with life
She has a special place in my heart
She is my life’s most important part
Almighty please bless her!
Lord, I lift up my friend [friend’s name] to you in prayer.
Thank you for their friendship and the ways they
have blessed my life. Please bless them with good
health, strength, and wisdom. May they feel your
presence and love in their life each day.
There are many things I ask for myself
But today I am asking for my best friend
I ask that she get what she wants
I ask that she get enough for her destiny
Oh Lord bless her all the way and through
You know that she is a lovely person too
I just want that smile never goes away from her face
And may she be happy with her grace
Bless her all the way oh Lord
Is my only prayer to you this day!
And he would choose the best,
Because you are special in his eyes,
Better than all the rest,
Leave it to the Lord,
And he would choose for you,
Everything so amazing and new,
So, say thanks to the Lord
With your power of prayer!
Keep a watch on my friend oh Lord
She needs you at this hour
She is giving up too fast on her hopes
So prove her wrong by your love
Show there is no shove
Bless my friend oh Almighty Lord!
There has not been a single moment
When I haven’t thought about you
Today as I stand in front of Almighty
I am still thinking about you
I have asked for your good health in life
And happiness after all that strive
I have asked that you also get peace of mind
There is no one like you so kind
Almighty will answer my prayer
And grant you all the things I said!
Trust on the power of the God,
Trust on his power of the way,
He is the one, who knows it all,
He will show you the way,
Trust in the things for you,
Coz life will change for the new,
Trust on the Lord!
Bless my friend and give the strength
To endure all the pain
Ensure that she is all given
That she deserves in vain
Bless my friend she needs you Lord
Pride that once again!
A loving wish for my friend thy Lord
Today is the most important day of her life
I ask you to make her so strong
So that she can pass this tide
May she get what she was aiming for
May she get whatever is destined
Things will go along her way
And she may also make her day
Lord I ask you this day so that she gets
What she truly deserves in life
I ask you for granting her all this
Thank you thy Lord..You are so kind!
Blessing is a holy thing,
I ask you for your blessing for my friend
For all the dreams in life
For strength in all the strive
To forgo the pain
For crying when in pain!
Bless my friend to thee!
Oh Almighty!
A feeling so pure it is
The feeling for my friend
There is no inhibition
And there is no pretend
Oh Lord I ask for all the good for my friend
Because my friend deserves it
Almighty please bless my friend!
Dear Lord I wish to pray for my friend today
She has bearing the brunt of fate
She has had the bad times in her stride
It’s getting really tough for her to survive
Please grant her some guidance
And your love along the time
So that my friend comes out of this mess in life
Please fulfill my wish is my prayer for today
For a friend whose close to my heart!
Oh Lord today I ask that this bond will go forever
I ask that friendship will never break
I have given my heart and soul to it
And it’s not just for the sake
I want that my friend always stay with me
And shares a special bond of friendship
Oh Lord today I ask you to bless our friendship
So that it remains eternal with time and tide
Bless us Almighty is my Prayer to you!
Your blessings rule the world
Whether it’s good or bad
You can make anyone so happy
Or anyone so sad
Today I ask for my friend
Bless my friend oh Lord
For all the things she wants
And help her for all they had
Bless my friend to thee!
I pray for my friend today, as she needs
Special support and guidance in her life
She is going through a really tough time
So I pray to you oh Lord to bless her
So that she comes out of this troubled time
May she be safe and sound and get happiness along
Oh Lord please help her to stay strong
I pray to you this day!
I just want to pray for friend of mine
She is really close to my heart
Lord protect her from the sun rays
Make merry and fill happiness in the days
Let her choose her goals in life
Please be there in her strive
Just want that she stays happy forever
As she is a special friend of mine
Thy Lord please be kind and answer my prayer
For a special friend of mine!
Things are just temporary its people who change,
But some friends always stay by your side
Oh Lord today I am asking good for my special friend
Whose been so caring and so kind
She has been my pillar of strength
And she has been there in all my need
If I am the lucky tree in life
Then she is like my seed
I ask thy Lord never break this friendship
And we always stay this way
Bless her and me thy Lord this day!
Friends are like treasure in the dark
My friend is like the brightest spark
With her, I am happy the most
With her, I have a smile on my face
Oh Almighty with your loving grace
Bless me and my friend in life
So that nothing can break away this tie
So that we stay happy and merry a while
Bless our friendship thy Lord
In the sands of time!
The blessings of Lord are needed all the time
For best friends who act so prime
I wish and pray for my friend today
Whose facing the most difficult time
Bless my friend thy Lord
So that my friend gets out of this strive
And live a content and a happy life
Bless my friend oh Lord is my prayer today
I know that you will bless my friend all the way
This is an honest plea from my heart
Bless my friend and the family
For everything that they want
For small things and the glee
As you have blessed me
Bless them to thee
Thanks for everything oh Lord!
Almighty today I want to thank you
For providing that emotional stability to
My friend when my friend needed you the most
Thank you for being there in my friend’s tough time
Thank you for guiding my friend along the road
It would not have been possible without your support
Thanks Almighty for that strength..You are simply great!
You can be in a happy state of life,
If you leave things to the Almighty,
Believe that he is always there to guide you,
Believe in the power of prayer,
Believe in that divinity so rear,
And stay blessed in life!
What if today I am far away from my friend
I want to make sure she is safe and fine
So let me pray to you Almighty kind
To keep her warm and alright
I cannot reach out to her for sure
But my love and prayers for her are pure
Bless her oh Almighty is my request to you
For lovely people like her are few!
Stay safe in life and stay protected my friend
As I pray special for you this day
May you get what you desire
May you get out of your way
I asked for many blessings on you
To make your day!
Blessings of the Almighty!
Today I ask nothing from you
Except giving all the happiness to my
Dear friend oh Almighty
I want her to be happy all the time
I wish that she gets whatever is destined
But that smile should never leave her side
And she should remain happy all the while
I ask for her happiness..Coz she is my bestie!
Please bless her through oh Lord!
A special prayer from my side
To someone I love the most
My friend this is for you
For all the love you gave
I am asking the Lord to pave
A way so that you stay blessed in life
Bless my friend Almighty!
Bless my friend as she is in a lot of pain
Bless my friend and take away her plight
I now with your blessings oh almighty
Everything will be alright
So bless her oh kind and you can do
Get her out of the Pain and blue,
Make her smile as she used to
Bless her and take away her pain
Be kind to her in vain!
A heartfelt request from my side oh Lord
For a friend whose so dear to me
I can’t see her in any type of pain
And I can’t see her in agony
I can’t see her crying and sad
It pinches me I feel so bad
I ask you to bless her kind
So that she finds her answers destined
And she remains happy all the time
Bless her thy Lord
Is my only plea to you this day
Answer my prayer..Amen!
She has been an angel in my life
She has been my strength to strive
She changed my world and made me smile
She is always there with me in every while
I wish that she stays happy in life
Oh Lord please make my friend happy
As she deserves everything in this life
Bless my friend thy Lord!
Oh Lord it’s my request to you
To provide good health to my friend
With some good wealth too
May the smile on her face
Be brightened up and new
Oh Lord as you have blessed me
Bless her too!
Of all the joys and all the cheers around
It’s the kind of friendship that I share
Deep down I know that she also does care
This bond shall be strong forever
This bond will not break with time
Coz my friendship with her was destined
Oh Lord I plead you to bless my friend
I request you to be oh kind
Almighty need your blessings all the way
That would make my friend’s day!
I just had the feeling that I should pray for you today
My friend though you don’t need it anyway
But I want to specially ask God for you
You have been my best friend all the way
I ask God to make you happy along
I ask God to make you a tad more strong
So that you achieve whatever you need
So that you stay happy all the way
I ask God today to make you happy
Because you deserve it every day
Oh Lord please bless her!
Dear Lord a holy prayer that I want to make
It’s all for my loving friends sake
She is going through a very bad phase of life
She is going through a tough time
Please bless her so that she can come out of this
Please bless her right in life
She needs your blessings all the way
I hope you would just make her day
Oh my best friend forever my dear
I have asked to Lord to bless you through
So that you have no fear
You feel happy and content with life
You get according to wish and you do not strive
May happiness never leaves your side
For a dear friend like you this is less
Coz you deserve much more than this
I have asked the Lord to bless you through
Everything you want in life
God bless you all the way!
I pray to you oh Almighty that the bond of my
Friendship never passes the time and the tide
Strengthen this time forever in life is my appeal to you
I share a bond of friendship being so true
The friendship that I want to forever to continue
Bless the bond of friendship that I share
I know that you are always there to care
To you oh Almighty Lord!
A Prayer For Friends: Short & Long Blessings for Your Best Friend
Friendship is a precious gift that enriches our lives in countless ways. Whether it’s the laughter shared during good times or the support offered during tough times, our friends are invaluable. As we navigate the highs and lows of life, it’s important to take a moment to express gratitude for the friends who stand by our side. In this blog post, we will explore the power of prayer for friends and offer both short and long blessings for your best friend.
The Power of Friendship
Friendship is a bond that transcends distance, time, and circumstance. It’s a source of joy, comfort, and strength. Our friends lift us up when we’re feeling down, celebrate our successes, and provide a listening ear when we need to be heard. The power of friendship lies in its ability to enrich our lives and remind us that we are never alone.
Short Blessings for Your Best Friend
May your days be filled with laughter and your heart with peace.
May you always find strength in the support of our friendship.
May you be surrounded by love and happiness in all that you do.
May your path be illuminated by the warmth of our shared memories.
May you find fulfillment and success in every endeavor you pursue.
Long Blessings for Your Best Friend
Dear [Friend’s Name],
As I reflect on the blessing of your friendship, I am filled with gratitude for the countless ways you have enriched my life. Your unwavering support, genuine kindness, and infectious laughter have been a source of strength and joy for me. In moments of both triumph and tribulation, you have been a steadfast companion, offering wisdom, empathy, and encouragement.
As we journey through life together, I pray that you continue to be surrounded by love, peace, and fulfillment. May your days be illuminated by the warmth of cherished memories and the promise of new adventures. May you find success in all that you pursue, and may your heart be filled with contentment and purpose.
In the moments when you feel weary or uncertain, may you find solace in the knowledge that our friendship is an unbreakable bond, a source of unwavering support, and a testament to the beauty of genuine connection.
With love and gratitude,
[Your Name]
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to take our friends for granted. However, by pausing to offer a prayer or blessing for our best friends, we not only express our appreciation but also strengthen the bond that unites us. Whether through a short, heartfelt blessing or a longer, more personalized prayer, the act of acknowledging the importance of our friends can deepen the connection and bring immeasurable joy to both parties.
So, take a moment today to send a prayer or blessing to your best friend. Let them know how much they mean to you and how grateful you are for their presence in your life. After all, the gift of friendship is truly something to be treasured.
This blog post was written to celebrate the power of friendship and offer heartfelt prayers and blessings for best friends. Whether it’s a short, sweet sentiment or a longer, more personalized message, expressing gratitude for the friends in our lives can bring immeasurable joy and strengthen the bond of friendship.